Complain about advertising
Reklamombudsmannen handles complaints about advertising aimed at the Swedish market, and anyone may file a complaint.
Who can complain?
Reklamombudsmannen handles complaints about advertising aimed at the Swedish market. Anyone may file a complaint to Reklamombudsmannen. A complaint can't be anonymous, but the names of private individuals are not published in our decisions.
On what basis can I complain?
Reklamombudsmannen applies the ICC Advertising and Marketing Communications Code from the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) when reviewing advertising. A complaint can for example be about the advertising being misleading, discriminating in any way or offensive.
What kind of advertising can be reviewed?
Reklamombudsmannen handles complaints about commercial advertising aimed at the Swedish market, and does not handle complaints concerning non-commercial advertising such as political or religious messages.
Reklamombudsmannen can't review a product in itself or content in for example books and movies.